Car Insurance Average per Month – Everything You Need to Know


Car insurance is an essential expense for any vehicle owner. It provides financial protection against damages and injuries resulting from car accidents or natural disasters. However, with so many insurance providers and policies available in the market, it can be difficult to determine the average cost of car insurance per month. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about car insurance average per month, including factors affecting the cost, ways to save money, and common FAQs.

What is Car Insurance Average per Month?

Car insurance average per month refers to the estimated cost of car insurance for a standard sedan or SUV model for a period of one month. However, the actual cost of car insurance varies depending on several factors, including the driver’s age, gender, driving history, location, car model, and credit score. Typically, young drivers and those with a poor driving record or low credit score are considered high-risk drivers and may have to pay higher premiums.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Car Insurance

Several factors influence the cost of car insurance, such as:

1. Age and Gender

Younger drivers below the age of 25 and male drivers are considered high-risk drivers and may have to pay higher premiums than female drivers and older age groups with a good driving record.

2. Driving History and Records

Drivers with a history of accidents, traffic violations, and DUI convictions are considered risky and have to pay higher premiums for car insurance.

3. Car Model and Value

Premiums for car insurance are also dependent on the car’s make, model, and age. Cars that have a higher value, higher performance, or are more expensive to repair or replace may have higher premiums.

4. Location

The cost of car insurance may also differ based on the ZIP code, urban or rural areas, and state laws and regulations.

5. Credit Score

Insurance companies may also use the credit score of the driver to determine the likelihood of filing claims and may charge higher premiums to drivers with low credit scores.

Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance

Despite the various factors affecting the cost of car insurance, there are several ways you can reduce your monthly premiums and save money. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Compare Quotes

It is always best to shop around and compare quotes from different providers to find the best deal. You can use online comparison tools and websites to compare rates and find the best policy that suits your needs and budget.

2. Raise Deductibles

Increasing the deductible, or the out-of-pocket amount you pay for repairs and damages, can lower your monthly premiums. However, make sure you can afford the increased deductible in case of an accident.

3. Bundle Policies

Many insurance companies offer discounts when you bundle multiple policies, such as home and auto insurance, under one provider.

4. Maintain Good Driving Record

Maintaining a good driving record, avoiding traffic violations and accidents, and attending defensive driving courses can help reduce your premiums.

5. Install Safety Features

Installing safety features such as anti-theft devices, airbags, and automatic seat belts can make your car safer and reduce your insurance premiums.

6. Pay Annually

Paying your car insurance premium annually instead of monthly can help reduce administrative fees and lower your overall cost.

7. Consider a Low-Cost Car

Choosing a car with a low value, lower performance, and fewer repair costs can help reduce your premiums and cut down on insurance costs.

FAQs about Car Insurance Average per Month

1. Is car insurance mandatory?

Yes, car insurance is mandatory in most states and is required by law to protect drivers and other road users in case of accidents or damages.

2. What is liability insurance?

Liability insurance covers damages or injuries caused by the driver to other people or property in case of an accident.

3. What is comprehensive insurance?

Comprehensive insurance covers damages or losses caused by natural disasters, theft, vandalism, or other non-collision incidents.

4. What is collision insurance?

Collision insurance covers damages caused by the driver’s own fault or collision with another vehicle or object.

5. What is the minimum car insurance requirement?

The minimum car insurance requirement varies by state, but typically includes liability insurance coverage for bodily injury and property damage.

6. What happens if I don’t have car insurance?

Driving without car insurance is illegal and can result in hefty fines, license suspension, and legal action in case of an accident or damage.

7. Can I cancel my car insurance anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your car insurance anytime, but you may have to pay cancellation fees or penalties, and it may impact your credit score and future insurance premiums.


Car insurance average per month can vary depending on various factors, including age, gender, driving history, car model, location, and credit score. However, taking steps to reduce premiums, such as shopping around, bundling policies, and maintaining a good driving record, can help save money and get the best deal. It’s important to follow state laws and regulations and obtain the minimum car insurance requirement to protect yourself and other drivers on the road.