Commercial Auto Insurance Quotes Florida: Everything You Need to Know


Are you a business owner in Florida looking to insure your commercial vehicles? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about commercial auto insurance quotes in Florida. From coverage options to pricing, we’ve got you covered.

What is Commercial Auto Insurance?

If you own a business in Florida and use vehicles for work purposes – whether it’s for deliveries, transporting employees, or hauling equipment – you’ll need commercial auto insurance. This type of insurance provides coverage for any vehicles used for business purposes and protects your business financially in case of an accident.

Types of Coverage

There are various types of coverage options available for commercial auto insurance in Florida. Some of the most common coverage options include:

Liability coverage: This type of coverage protects your business if you’re found legally responsible for causing an accident. It covers the other driver’s medical expenses, property damage, and any legal fees that might arise as a result of the accident.

Collision coverage: Collision coverage provides protection for your commercial vehicle in case of a collision with another vehicle or object.

Comprehensive coverage: Comprehensive coverage provides protection for your vehicle in case of theft, vandalism, or other non-collision incidents.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage: This type of coverage provides protection in case you’re involved in an accident with a driver who doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to cover the damages.

Factors That Affect Your Commercial Auto Insurance Quote

Several factors can impact your commercial auto insurance quote in Florida. Some of these factors include:

Type of business: Different types of businesses have different risks and, consequently, different insurance needs. For example, a courier service will have different insurance needs than a construction company.

Type of vehicle: The make, model, age, and condition of your commercial vehicle can impact your insurance quote.

Driving history: Your driving history, as well as the driving history of anyone who will be driving the commercial vehicle, can impact your insurance quote.

Location: The location where your vehicle will be driven and parked can impact your insurance quote. For example, if your business is located in a high-crime area, you may pay more for insurance.

Commercial Auto Insurance Quotes Florida

When it comes to getting a commercial auto insurance quote in Florida, there are several things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s essential to shop around and compare quotes from different insurance companies. This will give you a better idea of what coverage options are available to you and what prices you can expect.

How to Get a Commercial Auto Insurance Quote

To get a commercial auto insurance quote in Florida, you’ll need to provide the insurance company with some basic information about your business and your commercial vehicles. This may include:

Business information: Your business name, address, and type of business.

Vehicle information: The make, model, year, and VIN number of each commercial vehicle you need to insure.

Driving history: Information about the driving history of anyone who will be driving the commercial vehicles.

Factors That Affect Your Commercial Auto Insurance Quote in Florida

As we mentioned earlier, several factors can impact your commercial auto insurance quote in Florida. Some of the most significant factors include:

Coverage limits: The amount of coverage you choose will impact your insurance quote.

Deductible: The deductible is the amount you’ll need to pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Choosing a higher deductible can lower your insurance quote, but it also means you’ll need to pay more out of pocket in case of an accident.

Number of vehicles: The number of commercial vehicles you need to insure will impact your insurance quote. Generally, the more vehicles you have, the higher your insurance costs will be.

The Benefits of Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides several benefits to business owners, including:

Protection for Your Business

If you’re involved in an accident while using your commercial vehicle, commercial auto insurance provides financial protection for your business. Without insurance, you may be personally liable for any damages or injuries that occur.

Compliance with the Law

In Florida, businesses that use commercial vehicles are required by law to carry commercial auto insurance. By carrying insurance, you’ll be in compliance with the law and avoid any potential legal issues.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your commercial vehicles are insured provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on running your business without worrying about what might happen in case of an accident.

FAQs About Commercial Auto Insurance Quotes Florida

1. What Is the Minimum Amount of Commercial Auto Insurance Required by Law in Florida?

In Florida, businesses that use commercial vehicles are required to carry a minimum amount of insurance coverage. The minimum requirements are:

$10,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person

$20,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per accident

$10,000 in property damage liability coverage per accident

2. What Factors Affect My Commercial Auto Insurance Quote in Florida?

Several factors can impact your commercial auto insurance quote in Florida, including the type of business, type of vehicle, driving history, and location.

3. Can I Add Additional Coverage to My Commercial Auto Insurance Policy?

Yes, you can add additional coverage options to your commercial auto insurance policy in Florida. Some of the most common additional coverage options include collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

4. How Can I Save Money on My Commercial Auto Insurance Quote?

One of the best ways to save money on your commercial auto insurance quote in Florida is to shop around and compare quotes from different insurance companies. You can also consider choosing a higher deductible or bundling your commercial auto insurance with other types of business insurance.

5. Do I Need Commercial Auto Insurance if I Only Use My Personal Vehicle for Business Purposes?

If you use your personal vehicle for business purposes, you may need to purchase additional insurance coverage. Depending on the specifics of your situation, you may need to purchase a commercial auto insurance policy or a personal auto insurance policy with additional coverage options.

6. What Should I Look for When Choosing a Commercial Auto Insurance Company in Florida?

When choosing a commercial auto insurance company in Florida, you should look for a company with a good reputation, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. You should also consider the insurance company’s financial stability and the availability of coverage options that meet your specific business needs.

7. How Often Should I Update My Commercial Auto Insurance Policy?

You should review and update your commercial auto insurance policy in Florida regularly – at least once a year. This will ensure that your coverage is up to date and that you have the protection you need in case of an accident.


In conclusion, commercial auto insurance is essential for any business in Florida that uses commercial vehicles. By understanding the coverage options available, the factors that impact your insurance quote, and the benefits of carrying insurance, you can make an informed decision about your commercial auto insurance needs. Remember to shop around, compare quotes, and choose an insurance company that meets your specific business needs.