How Much Does Insurance Cost for a Smart Car?


When it comes to purchasing a car, one of the most important things to consider is the cost of car insurance. The cost of car insurance varies depending on several factors, such as the make and model of the car, the driver’s age and driving history, and the location of the driver. If you’re considering purchasing a Smart Car, you may be wondering how much you can expect to pay for car insurance. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that impact the cost of car insurance for a Smart Car, provide some estimates on how much you can expect to pay, and offer some tips on how to save money on car insurance.

What is a Smart Car?

A Smart Car is a two-seater microcar designed and manufactured by Daimler AG. The first Smart Car was introduced in 1998, and since then, the car has become popular due to its unique design and eco-friendliness. The car’s small size allows it to be highly maneuverable in tight spaces, making it ideal for urban environments. While the Smart Car is relatively inexpensive compared to other cars on the market, the cost of car insurance can be higher due to its unique design and features.

Features of a Smart Car

The Smart Car is designed with safety in mind, featuring a Tridion safety cell that provides protection to the driver and passenger in the event of a collision. The car’s small size and agility also make it easy to park and maneuver in tight spaces. Additionally, the car is designed to be eco-friendly, with many models featuring hybrid or electric engines that produce low emissions.

Factors that Impact the Cost of Insurance for a Smart Car

Insurance rates for a Smart Car can vary depending on several factors, including the make and model of the car, the driver’s age and driving history, and the location of the driver. Here are some of the factors that impact the cost of insurance for a Smart Car:

Make and Model

The make and model of a car can have a significant impact on the cost of car insurance. Smart Cars are considered high-end luxury vehicles, and as such, they may be more expensive to insure than other types of vehicles. Additionally, the unique design and features of a Smart Car may make it more expensive to repair or replace in the event of an accident, which can also increase insurance rates.

Age and Driving History of the Driver

Insurance rates for a Smart Car are also impacted by the age and driving history of the driver. Younger drivers, especially those under the age of 25, may be charged higher insurance rates due to their lack of driving experience. Additionally, drivers with a history of accidents or traffic violations may also be charged higher rates, as they are considered to be higher risk drivers.


The location of the driver is another factor that impacts the cost of insurance for a Smart Car. Drivers living in areas with high rates of car theft or accidents may be charged higher rates due to the increased risk of theft or accidents. Additionally, insurance rates can vary depending on the state and city in which the driver lives.

Coverage Amount

The amount of coverage you choose can also impact the cost of insurance for a Smart Car. Drivers who choose higher coverage limits and lower deductibles will generally pay more for insurance than those who choose lower coverage limits and higher deductibles.

Credit Score

Finally, your credit score can also impact the cost of insurance for a Smart Car. Drivers with good credit scores may be offered lower rates than those with poor credit scores, as they are considered to be more responsible and less likely to file a claim.

Estimating the Cost of Insurance for a Smart Car

While the cost of insurance for a Smart Car can vary depending on several factors, we can provide some estimates to give you an idea of what you can expect to pay. Here are some estimated costs for insurance for a Smart Car:

Minimum Coverage

If you’re looking for the minimum amount of coverage required by law, you can expect to pay around $500 to $700 per year for insurance for a Smart Car. This coverage typically includes liability coverage, which covers damages and injuries to other drivers in the event of an accident.

Full Coverage

If you’re looking for full coverage insurance for a Smart Car, which includes liability coverage as well as collision and comprehensive coverage, you can expect to pay around $1,200 to $1,500 per year. This coverage will provide protection for your vehicle in the event of an accident, theft, or other covered event.

Hybrid or Electric Smart Car

If you own a hybrid or electric Smart Car, you may be eligible for discounts on your insurance rates. Some insurance companies offer discounts for eco-friendly vehicles, which can help to offset the higher cost of insurance for a Smart Car.

Tips for Saving Money on Insurance for a Smart Car

If you’re looking to save money on insurance for your Smart Car, there are several things you can do to lower your rates. Here are some tips:

Shop Around

One of the best ways to save money on insurance for a Smart Car is to shop around and compare rates from different insurance companies. Each company has its own rating system and may offer different discounts, so it’s important to get quotes from multiple companies to find the best rate.

Choose Higher Deductibles

If you’re willing to accept higher out-of-pocket costs in the event of an accident, you can choose higher deductibles to lower your insurance rates. Just make sure you can afford to pay the deductible if you need to file a claim.

Consider Bundling

If you have other insurance policies, such as home or life insurance, you may be able to save money by bundling your policies with one insurance company. Many companies offer discounts for bundling, so it’s worth looking into if you have multiple policies.

Take Advantage of Discounts

Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like good driving habits, safety features on your car, and completing a defensive driving course. Be sure to ask your insurance company what discounts are available to you.


1. How much does insurance cost for a Smart Car with a clean driving record?

The cost of insurance for a Smart Car with a clean driving record will vary depending on several factors, but you can expect to pay around $500 to $700 per year for minimum coverage and $1,200 to $1,500 per year for full coverage.

2. Will my age impact the cost of insurance for a Smart Car?

Yes, younger drivers may be charged higher rates due to their lack of driving experience. Drivers over the age of 25 may be eligible for lower rates.

3. Will my credit score impact the cost of insurance for a Smart Car?

Yes, drivers with good credit scores may be offered lower rates than those with poor credit scores.

4. Will the make and model of my Smart Car impact the cost of insurance?

Yes, the make and model of a Smart Car can impact the cost of insurance. Some models may be more expensive to insure due to their features and design.

5. Can I save money on insurance for my Smart Car by bundling?

Yes, many insurance companies offer discounts for bundling multiple policies.

6. Will the location where I live impact the cost of insurance for my Smart Car?

Yes, drivers living in areas with high rates of car theft or accidents may be charged higher rates.

7. How can I save money on insurance for my Smart Car?

You can save money on insurance for your Smart Car by shopping around, choosing higher deductibles, bundling policies, and taking advantage of discounts offered by your insurance company.


If you’re considering purchasing a Smart Car, it’s important to consider the cost of car insurance. Insurance rates for a Smart Car can vary depending on several factors, such as the make and model of the car, the driver’s age and driving history, and the location of the driver. By understanding these factors and following some simple tips to save money on insurance, you can get the coverage you need at an affordable price.

Smart Car


“Smart Fortwo” – Wikipedia
“Smart Cars” – NerdWallet