RX8 Insurance Cost – Everything You Need to Know


Are you planning to buy an RX8 and concerned about the insurance cost? If you’re reading this, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will provide a detailed analysis of the RX8 insurance cost and factors that influence it. RX8 is a sportscar known for its unique rotary engine and impeccable design. However, the insurance premium for high-performance cars tends to be higher than regular vehicles. Keep reading to find out more about RX8 insurance cost and how to save on your insurance.

RX8 Insurance Cost

RX8 is a high-performance sports car, and the insurance cost depends on various factors such as the driver’s age, location, driving history, and car specifications. On average, the insurance cost for an RX8 is around $1500-$2000 per year. However, the cost may vary depending on the insurance provider and the factors we discussed earlier.Several factors contribute to the high insurance premium for RX8. One of the primary reasons is the car’s high-performance capability, which makes it riskier to insure. Secondly, the spare parts for RX8 are expensive and may increase the repair cost, which makes it more costly to replace. Moreover, RX8 has a unique rotary engine that requires specialized mechanics, which may also increase the repair cost. Lastly, the RX8 is susceptible to theft, and the insurance provider may charge a higher premium to cover the theft risk.

Factors That Affect RX8 Insurance Cost

Driver Age and Location

The driver’s age and location are critical factors that impact the insurance cost for RX8. Young and inexperienced drivers are more likely to make claims, and insurance providers may charge higher premiums to cover the increased risk. The driver’s location is also crucial in determining the insurance cost. If you reside in an area with a high crime rate or a higher number of accidents, the insurance cost may be higher.

Driving History

The driving history of the driver also impacts the insurance cost. If the driver has a clean record with no accidents or traffic violations, the insurance premium may be lower. However, if the driver has a history of accidents or speeding tickets, the insurance provider may charge higher premiums to cover the increased risk of future claims.

Car Specifications

The car specifications such as the engine size, horsepower, and safety features also impact the insurance cost. RX8 is a high-performance car that falls under the sports car category, which makes it more expensive to insure. Additionally, the safety features such as airbags, anti-lock brakes, and electronic stability control may reduce the insurance cost.

Insurance Provider

The insurance provider is also a critical factor in determining the insurance cost for RX8. Different insurance companies have different policies, and the premiums may vary significantly. It’s crucial to compare different insurance providers and their policies to find the one that fits your budget and requirements.

How to Save on RX8 Insurance Cost

Choose the Right Insurance Provider

Choosing the right insurance provider is crucial in saving on the insurance cost. Compare different insurance providers’ policies and premiums to find the one that fits your budget and requirements. Look for discounts and offers that can help lower the insurance cost.

Drive Safely and Maintain a Clean Driving Record

Maintaining a clean driving record and driving safely can help reduce the insurance cost. Avoid accidents and traffic violations that can increase the insurance premium. Attend defensive driving courses to improve your driving skills and reduce the insurance cost.

Install Safety Features

Installing safety features such as airbags, anti-lock brakes, and anti-theft devices can reduce the insurance cost. The insurance provider may offer discounts for these safety features, which helps lower the insurance cost.

Choose a Higher Deductible

Choosing a higher deductible is another way to lower the insurance cost. A deductible is the amount you pay out of your pocket before the insurance provider covers the rest of the costs. Choosing a higher deductible may reduce the insurance premium, but it also means you’ll have to pay more out of pocket in case of an accident.

Restrict Mileage

Restricting mileage is another way to lower the insurance cost. If you don’t drive your RX8 frequently, you can opt for a policy that restricts the mileage. Lower mileage means lower risk, which can help reduce the insurance premium.

Join an Affiliation

Joining an affiliation such as an automobile club or professional organization can help reduce the insurance cost. The affiliation may offer discounts or group policies that can help lower the insurance premium.

Pay Annually

Paying the insurance premium annually instead of monthly may also help lower the insurance cost. Insurance providers may offer discounts for paying the premium upfront, which helps lower the cost.


1. How much does it cost to insure an RX8?

The insurance cost for RX8 depends on several factors such as driver age, location, driving history, and car specifications. On average, the insurance cost for RX8 is around $1500-$2000 per year. However, the cost may vary depending on the insurance provider and the factors we discussed earlier.

2. Why is RX8 insurance so expensive?

RX8 is a high-performance sports car that falls under the sports car category, which makes it more expensive to insure. Additionally, the unique rotary engine, expensive spare parts, and increased theft risk may also contribute to the high insurance premium.

3. How can I save on RX8 insurance cost?

You can save on RX8 insurance cost by choosing the right insurance provider, driving safely and maintaining a clean driving record, installing safety features, choosing a higher deductible, restricting mileage, joining an affiliation, and paying annually.

4. What factors determine the RX8 insurance cost?

The RX8 insurance cost depends on various factors such as the driver’s age, location, driving history, and car specifications. The insurance provider and policy also play a crucial role in determining the insurance cost.

5. What is a deductible, and how does it impact the insurance cost?

A deductible is the amount you pay out of your pocket before the insurance provider covers the rest of the costs. Choosing a higher deductible may reduce the insurance premium, but it also means you’ll have to pay more out of pocket in case of an accident.

6. Can I reduce the insurance cost by installing safety features?

Yes, installing safety features such as airbags, anti-lock brakes, and anti-theft devices can reduce the insurance cost. The insurance provider may offer discounts for these safety features, which helps lower the insurance cost.

7. Should I compare different insurance providers before choosing a policy?

Yes, it’s crucial to compare different insurance providers and their policies before choosing a policy. Different insurance providers have different policies and premiums, and the cost may vary significantly.


In conclusion, RX8 insurance cost depends on various factors such as driver age, location, driving history, and car specifications. It’s crucial to choose the right insurance provider and policy that fits your budget and requirements. Moreover, driving safely, installing safety features, choosing a higher deductible, and restricting mileage can help save on the insurance cost. We hope this article provided useful insights into RX8 insurance cost and how to save on insurance.